Thursday 9 April 2015

Sadako Yamamura

Sadako Yamamura 


- Uses her abilities from her birth which is
   psychic powers 

-Uses fear and a cursed video tapes

-Uses tapes to kill people who watches it

-Long haired women with white dress 

-Pale skin with black and dirty fingernails 

Brief History of Sadako Yamamura 

         Sadako Yamamura was born with a special gift just like her mother. Her mother  which is Shizuko Yamamura inherit the power of telepathy and passed down to her daughter Sadako when she was given birth but later on at child age she realized her powers are awaken.

          Her mother shizuko yamamura once brought a statue of an oceanic god, En No Ozunu. After returning to Tokyo, Shizuko collapsed due to a sudden migraine and develop a side effects from it. Shizuko bows out of the demonstration and was labelled as a froud by the press. Shizuko eventually  commits suicide by jumping into oshima island's volcano.

         Shizuko husband which is Dr. Heihachiro Ikuma ( not the daughter of Sadako Yamamura ) wanted to inherit the same powers of his wife by standing under a waterfall but in the endh ended up hospitalized for years.

         Sadako yamamura finally joins a tokyo based acting group and falls in loved with a man named Hiroshi Toyama. Hiroshi knew about Sadako powers buthe accepted her without reasons. Later on sadako discovered that a cursed video tape that if someone watches it they will die after 7 days. A group of four people ended up dead due to that accident planned by the director. This resulting Sadako to leave Hiroshi forever.

          Later on, sadako went to visit her father Ikuma but only to be raped by a doctor named Nagao Jotaro. Nagao discovered that Sadako had a syndrome called testicular feminization which possessing both genital sexes. When sadako attacks Nagao with her powers , Nagao instantly throws her down a nearby well and seals her within.Sadako vows revenge on the world before she dies.
For your information there are multiple versions plot of her story and there is no origins of it. 

Photos -

Sadako Yamamura 

Statue of En No Ozunu

Sadako Yamamura crawling through the cursed tape video

Sadako Yamamura and a identified man pushing her inside the well

The identified men facial face looking guilty

Keep in mind that there are multiple versions of her such as the american adaptation and korean as well.

American Adaption Sadako 

Media  - 

There's no other materials that I can scoop such as sadako appearing on games since this is based on a japanese folklore. So far there are only adaptation movies of her.

Cursed video tape of japenese sadako yamamura

Cursed video tape of american adaptation of sadako yamamura
( Samara Morgan )

Sadako Yamamura from "Ring ( Ringu )" film adaptation back from the 90's

Recent reboot of Sadako Yamamura ( Sadako 3d )